Youngsub Yoon

Loop Quantum Gravity

1. Discrete area spectrum and the black hole entropy I: Loop quantum gravity and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy

2. Discrete area spectrum and the black hole entropy II: Domagla-Lewandowski-Meissner formula

3. Discrete area spectrum and the black hole entropy III: Newer variables

4. Discrete area spectrum and the Hawking radiation spectrum I

5. Discrete area spectrum and the Hawking radiation spectrum II: Single unit area deduction

6. Discrete area spectrum and the Hawking radiation spectrum III: Maxwell-Boltzmann

7. Discrete area spectrum and the Hawking radiation spectrum IV: Single-partition black hole


These seven articles try to explain, in laymen’s terms, the research I have done on the black hole partially with Brian Kong. These articles assume that readers are familiar with the mathematical expression “log,” which is explained in my article “Logarithm.” You may skip the second and the third articles if it’s too hard since you don’t need it to understand the other articles. To understand the sixth article, you will need to know the concept of “identical particles” as treated in “Bosons, Fermions and the statistical properties of identical particles.” We will explain our research again in expert’s terms in later articles.